WannaBtruckers Board Game Hi Folks, I’’ll be on Spotliteradio.com July 25, Aug 1 and Aug 8 at 11:00 am EST just to let you know of my recent work. West Virginia is having their 150th Anniversary this year and are celebrating in various ways. Out here on the West Coast we never hear about these celebrations. A float for the Rose Parade in Pasadena would get all kind of attention and publicity. Did you know that the New River in WV is one of the oldest three rivers in the world. It as a very high bridge over a famous gorge and becomes the Kanawha River that flows into the Ohio and then the Mississippi. One of the most famous Mountain Men was Charles Bent who became the first Governor of the State of New Mexico. My paintings of the Southwest were in the Gov Bent Gallery in Taos for several years. He was from Charleston, WV. If you read this blog and hear my program (any time) on the computer Call the Gov. Tomlin’s mansion at 304.558.2000 or your local paper or representative. This would be good for Tourism in West Virginia For the Occasion I am selling my fun game WannaBtrucckers two for one price on Amazon. Each kid in the back seat would have their own educational map of the USA, made with USA products and shipped from Battle Creek, MI. Your kids will thank you and they just might learn something and the whole family can play. AND no batteries to worry about. LorraineStrieby.com
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

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